Give Yourself Permission To Be Happy
The first step in finding your happy place is giving yourself permission to be happy. That might sound silly because it seems natural that you already have permission to be happy, but for most people it is a subconscious thought that blocks you from letting yourself be happy. You think you owe something to someone, (parents, kids, significant other, boss, the world, etc.) But, I have some news for you:: YOU DON'T OWE UNHAPPINESS TO ANYONE. Regardless of what anyone has down for you or what they expect you to do, you don't owe them your personal happiness. In order for you to fill others needs you must fill your own first.
I find that writing thoughts down can be the most effective way to rid them from your mind. So take some time, jot down all the people you feel you owe something too, even if it's something simple like. "I owe my mom my life because she birthed me." When you have finished that, burn it, delete it, trash, whatever just get rid of it in some way. (Optional:: Or even better you could send it to me for use in my future explanations on finding your happy place, and discussions.)
After you've done that, say out-loud "I give myself permission to be happy." And now you've made the first steps towards finding your happy place.

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