Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Year One Week Two: Birthday

This is what we are learning this week.

Story Book Theme: Birthday
Letter: P
Shape: Square
Color: Blue
Number: 2
Opposites: Lit/Blown Out (candle)

Spanish Vocabulary: How are you?
Sign Language Word: happy
Vocabulary Word: annual
Speech: Naming Everything(especially while driving)

FAMILY DINNER Literature Study: Yertle the Turtle
FAMILY DINNER Philosophy: Across the Blue Mountains
FAMILY DINNER Ethics: The Cat in the Hat

Poetry: One Chance to Turn One by Kerry Roper
Nursery Rhyme: Where is Thumbkin?
Song: Happy Birthday
Lullaby: Brahm's Lullaby

Classical Music: Bach: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Dance: Head Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Musical Exploration: Snake Slither

Art Appreciation: Jan Brett
Crafts: Introduction to Scribbling
Theater: Finger Puppets

Bible Passage: Psalms 2,3,4
FAMILY DINNER Bible Story: Adam and Eve

Science Concept: Float
Nature Study: Signs of Spring
Gardening: Squash
Problem Solving: idea
Simple Machines: pulley

Social Studies Concept: my parents
FAMILY DINNER History: Introduction What is History? What is Archaeology?
Geography: America
Economics: money
Personal Finance: needs

Five Senses: cake smash
Body Awareness: chin
Health: Fire Safety
Excercise: Sit up
Game: Bubbles, How Old Am I?

Books on Theme:

Dr. Suess - Happy Birthday to You!
Frank Ash - Happy Birthday Moon
Russell Hoban - A Birthday for Frances
Charlotte Zolotow - Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present
Stan Beranstain - The Beranstain Bears and Too Much Birthday
Nick Bruel - Happy Birthday, Bad Kitty
Alexandra Day - Carl's Birthday
Helen Oxenbury - It's My Birthday
Eric Carle - The Secret Birthday Message
Debra Fraiser - On the Day you were born
Margret Ray - Curious George and the Birthday Surprise

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