Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Flower Fun: Making Blossom Ice Cubes

There are many edible flowers, most of them actually taste pretty good. I will post a list of my favorites later.  Blossom Ice Cubes are adorable to float in a party punch or just in your ice water on a hot summer afternoon. 

Making Blossom Ice Cubes: 

Bring water to a boil, and sustain for at least 3 minutes. (This allows a lot of the air trapped in the water escape, making the ice cubes as clear as crystal.) Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. (Do not try to rush this process by stirring, adding more water, or placing in a refrigerator, let it cool on it's own.)
Rinse your flower blossoms(Be sure they are pesticide-free)
Place a flower blossom in the bottom of each slot in an ice cube tray. 
Fill each slot half full of cooled boiled water and freeze. 
Wait until the water is frozen, and then fill each slot the rest of the way and refreeze. 
Then enjoy. 

(I will add a picture as soon as my camera starts working again) 

"You need the messy stuff (dirt) to make the flowers grow."

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