Thursday, February 21, 2013

Relocation Whoa!

Obviously I haven't written much in the past few months. So many things have happened, it's been a whirlwind adventure. In, October, the S.O. got a new job, in a new state, which has meant a lot of work for me. I quit my job, packed up the house and moved across three states back home to Texas. Yay!!! I have been pretty busy since then trying to organize the new house, get settled in, and find a new job.  I think I've finally gotten enough things done in my life to start writing again. I apologize to all of you, I know many of you were reading every post I made for awhile and I'm sure you've missed it, I know I have. Anyway, I'm back!!!! YAY!

So, about relocation. It sucks and it's exciting. Here's why:

1. Got to get rid of all my old junk, but had to pack up everything else.
2. Got to make some new friends, but had to say goodbye to some good ones.
3. Got to upgrade into a bigger place, had to clean both places.
4. Got to spend more time with my family. No negatives there.
5. Had to quit my job, haven't found a new full-time one yet.
6. I am so much happier in Texas. :)

Have you ever had a relocation experience, or thought about having one? I want to know, tell me.


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