Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Finding Your Happy Place: Part 8

Forgive Everyone

The importance of forgiveness is huge, ginormous even. I'm not even going to explain what forgiveness is, because fundamentally you already know. You've known every since you were a tiny tiny child and you overlooked when a peer took a toy from your stack to borrow for a few seconds and you decided it was ok to share just this once, even if they did steal it, and let them have it without contest.

Everyone knows how to forgive. It's a matter of pride if we do or do not. Drop the pride you crazy fool. Stewing about things doesn't hurt anybody but you. Being angry hurts only you. Being sad only hurts you. Stop being a baby and let it go.

That goes for things you've done too. Yep, that's right I'm asking you to forgive yourself. It's not worth it to beat yourself to a pulp over this, that, and the other things you did wrong.

It helps to write down your forgiveness in letter form. You never have to send them but it can seem more solidified if you've put it on paper.

So grab a pen and a notebook, either physical or metaphorical, and start listing off those forgiveness's.
For yourself. Your mom and dad. Your siblings. The rest of your family. Your boss. Your coworkers. Your friends. Your peers. Your teachers. The guy that you sit next to at the coffee shop each day that gives you strange looks. Whoever. Actually Everyone!! Forgive them all.

You'll feel better for it. I promise.


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